complete teaching units from Max Kade G-A center on
Emigration and Immigration.
Willi Paul Adams The German-Americans:
An Ethnic Experience - discussion of reasons for immigration.
Medieval Germany and the Causes of German Emigration.
Germans In America: comprehensive online Exhibit from the Library of Congress.
Email discussion w/German partners on Immigration/Migration. Transatlantisches Klassenzimmer.
Excellent resources and articles from Germans from Russia Heritage Collection in ND.
G-A Statesman and MO Senator Carl
Schurz and other Forty-eighters played a large role in MO history and the abolition of
Read about German soldiers in the
Civil War.
Germany Discovers America: an annotated bibliography of G-A travel narratives 1800-1918 plus links.
The German influence on American food culture, restaurants, recipes and businesses in the US.
The German influence on the American auto industry.
The Turners in America and the 1848 Revolution.
Peopling St.Louis: history of immigrant populations in St. Louis.
G-A communities
: Pennsylvania Dutch, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Hermann, MO, Arcola, IL,
Bukovina Society of America: immigrants from modern-day Ukraine and Romania.
Canadian Passenger Lists. National Archives of Canada.
Anti-immigrant (German,
Irish) sentiment in the late 1800's. G-A internment during WW2.
Island pages.
Article from Die Welt: Erinnerung an deutsche Einwanderer in den USA wieder populaer:
Gedenktafeln in Ohio." A German perspective. Article about Cincinnati and Don H. Tolzmann.
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild: world-wide passenger lists
Research Center Lower Saxons in the USA. Extensive site in English and German.
Identifying German Names. What does my name mean?
pages, German historical societies and organizations from the
Max Kade G-A center.
The Fed. of E. European Family History Societies (FEEFHS) has extensive
ROOTS-L Genealogy
Page: libraries, archives, databases, museums, institutions,
internet, etc.
Equally immense are USGenWeb and
C. Howell's
Genealogy Page: 15,000 links!
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.
JewishGen: The Official Home of Jewish Genealogy
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