Answer the following questions using the indicated Internet sites:
•What are the three main days of the Karneval season called?
_____________montag ____________dienstag _____________mittwoch
• What are the three major cities on the Rhein in which Karneval is celebrated in a BIG way?
__________________________ __________________________
• Which cities in the former East also celebrate Karneval big-time?
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
• COMPARE: Pick ONE of the cities you listed (IN EACH AREA) and fill in as many of the statistics as you can:
CITY (am Rhein/im Osten): _______________ _______________
How many floats? _______________ _______________
How many marching bands? _______________ _______________
How long was the parade? _______________ _______________
How many tons of candy? _______________ _______________
How many visitors? _______________ _______________
• Where else in the world (city/country) is Karneval a big deal?
• What are some other names for “Karneval”?
__________________________ __________________________
• Write a “Büttenrede” about a faculty member at LHS. (minimum
4 lines)
(Use the site for help with rhyming!!)
• Who are the three stars (“Dreigestirn”) of the Kölner Karneval?
(“stage names”)
How old are they in real life? (! birthday months!)
_____________________-_____ _____________________-_____
• Find out the following information about the parade (“Umzug”) in Köln:
(in Kölsch (Kölner Dialekt), “Zoch” = “Zug”)
How many chocolate bars were thrown? _______
Who pays for the candy, etc. that’s thrown? _______
How many kilos of paint were used on the floats? _______
How long did the parade last (hours)? _______
How long was the parade (length)? _______
At what time did the parade start? _______
• What are two phrases that the Karneval-goers shout out?
_____________ ________________
From Marcy Zachmeyer-Ruh and the MN AATG
Read two articles on "Fasching" from the March edition of German Life.
1. In English, "gumpiger" means .
a. thirsty b. grand/great c. carnival d. greasy
2. The Carnival centers of Cologne, Mainz, and Düsseldorf are called.
a. Prunksitzungen b. Fastenküchle c. Vereine d. Faschingsburgen
3. Fasching is also known as.
a. Festung b. Donnerstag c. Närrischer Zeit d. Gumpiger
4. Those who participate in Fasching are called .
a. Narren b. Rosenmontag c. Kamellen d. Faschingsumzug
5. In Cologne, Fasching is also called .
a. Dionysus b. Fasteloovend c. Agrippina d. Pagan
6. The Romans settled Cologne in .
a. 1500 AD b. 2042 BC c. 38 BC d. 52 BC
7. To be flonzed means to be hit with a .
a. feather b. blood sausage c. rubber chicken d. loaf of bread
8. Weibersfastnacht is ...
a. Women's day b. Rose Monday c. Clown Day d. Cologne Day
9. In English, "narrisch" means: a. fine b. nearly c. nicely d. foolish
10.In English, "schunkeln" means .
a. dancing the polka b. linking arms and swaying back and forth c.
line dancing d. beer drinking
11.A common reprimand for children with dirty hands is .
a. Narrenhände beschmieren Tisch und Wände. b. Biste Jeck?
c. Ich hab' mich narrisch gefreut!
d. Bist' narrisch?
12."Luftschlangen" are .
a. streamers b. confetti c. airplanes d. coffee
13.In Schwabia, "Fasching" is called .
a. Fasching b. Fasteloovend c. Fassenacht d. Karneval
14.The Latin word "carrus navalis" means .
a. a giant pig b. a float in a parade c. a birthday party d. none of
the these
15.The term "Kater" which refers to a hangover, probably comes from
the Greek term "Katharrh"
which means: a. a rheumy head cold b. laughter c. tom cat
d. license
16.The "Kölner Dom" is Germany's largest .
a. Gothic Cathedral b. city c. holiday d. parade
17.Cologne is Germany's ____ largest city.
a. fourth b. tenth c. second d. seventh
18.The Rhineland Karneval took its present form as a .
a. way to kiss strangers b. subversive act against French troops c.
protest against anarchy d.way to rest
19. "Der hat's so wichtig wie die Pfann' in der Fasnacht." is a way
of saying someone .
a. has nothing to do b. is ready to eat c. feels self-important d.
needs to be foolish
20.. "Büttenreden" are .
a. satirical speeches b. bratwürsts c. dances d. laughter